

Motivation (or lack thereof)

Getting to stay home with my son these last 2 months has been great. I don't have to wake up before 6am anymore, I can stay in my pajamas and play with Oliver all day, I have unlimited snacks (this one is dangerous, just ask my scale!), I don't have to go out in the cold/rainy weather, etc.

BUT... I think it's starting to take it's toll on me. I thrive on structure and routine and there isn't much of that these days. My life revolves around Oliver and what he needs at any given time. Everyday is a little bit different, nap times are hit and miss these days, Oliver likes a food one day and hates it the next, Derek's work schedule is always changing. It's diving me a little crazy, to be honest. I kinda miss going to work at a set time, knowing my tasks for the day, taking a lunch break at the same time, chatting with real life adults and going home at a certain time. Don't get me wrong, being home with Oliver is absolutely the best thing for both of us right now, I just feel like I need to re-evaluate our daily routine and tweak some things. All my energy goes towards raising Oliver and keeping the house together that there's not much left at the end of the day. When Oliver goes to sleep at 7:30pm, I'm ready to crash too.

I don't like how lazy and unmotivated I've become. Eating candy all day and sitting around is fun for a few days, but it shouldn't be a long-term plan. lol! I need to start over and get things back on track or I will lose my mind. My eating habits are quite embarrassing right now and I can't remember the last time I exercised. I think this is a big part of why I'm exhausted and dragging most of the day. It's a good place to start and I'm hoping by making those little changes, I'll keep it going with everything else in my daily life (if I had a dollar for every time I said that...)

I'm still not sure when's the right time to go back to work (that's a whole other blog post), but I don't want to look back at this time and regret how I spent it. Oliver deserves more fun adventures around town and more play dates, not just staying at home with boring mom all day :) He'll never be this young again and I may never get the chance to stay home with him again, so I want to do as many fun things with him as possible.


Project Refresh: Month 3

Happy November 1st! I love the beginning of a new month. I get to look back at the previous month to see what went well/what didn't and plan new goals for the current month. It's even more exciting that the holidays are coming up so quickly and that Thanksgiving is this month! I can't wait :)

So how did I do on last month's goals?
  • Find the perfect gift for my sister's 18th birthday: Yes! My brother actually found it, but we (Derek & I, my brother & sis-in-law) got my sister a beautiful diamond musical note necklace.

  • Book and shoot 2 senior sessions: We only did 1 senior session in October, but we did have some other sessions to make up for it
  • Lose 3 pounds: I did, then I gained a pound back at the end of the month. lol. 
  • Get the guest bed cleared off by selling or donating everything on it: This is still a work in progress. It's about 50% cleared and everything is listed on ebay/Craigslist, I'm just waiting for people to buy our stuff :)
  • Pick out a cute Halloween costume for Oliver: Yup, we found a cute (& warm) dinosaur outfit for Oliver to wear on Halloween. He loved it & looked so cute! Derek & I didn't dress up this year, maybe next time.
  • Go through my bedroom closet & dresser to organize and purge clothes I don't wear or like: I didn't get rid of many things, but I did organize and clean up my dresser/closet, so this was a success.
  • Take Oliver to get his first haircut: We did and he looks so grown-up now! He didn't mind getting his hair cut and I'm glad we finally did it. 

    I'd rate October a B+. I'm getting the hang of getting stuff done with a curious & hyperactive toddler around 24/7, but I still have some work to do. So what's on the agenda for November?

    Project Refresh: Month 3
    • I want to make/put some bookshelves up in Oliver's room finally (like this: Oliver has so many cool books & I want to display them & keep them in one location.
    • Get a little greenhouse made for the backyard to put all our plants in for the winter
    • Finish cleaning out & organizing my filing cabinet
    • Get an updated home inventory list put together for insurance purposes (this has been on my to-do list for the last 2 years & I keep putting it off)
    • Set up the tripod & take a great family photo (for Christmas cards, perhaps?)
    • Have a dinner/movie night over at our house with family or friends

    Have a great weekend everyone! xo
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