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Pregnancy Update: Week 16
How far along: 16 weeks
Total weight gain: 5.5 lbs (started around 115, currently at 120.5)
Sleep: I'm really not enjoying this side-sleeping business. My hips/back really hurt.
Maternity Clothes: Still nothing. I found some cute maternity jeans at Old Navy, but since I am a bargain shopper (or just crazy, I don't know), I'm waiting for a sale. I hate paying full price for anything. I did get a 25% off coupon in my E-mail box, so I think I'll be heading back in a few days to buy them.
Food cravings: Grapefuit juice, pickles, pizza, veggies/salads.
Food aversions: I'm doing pretty good with most foods. Sweets still make me a little sick after I eat them.
Symptoms: Same. Backaches, my hips hurt, headaches, still queasy if I don't eat every few hours, but much better than past weeks.
Movement: I think I've been feeling a little bit of movement finally! I get these weird sensations in my stomach area at random times during the day. Sometimes it feels like a little flutter or something. It's hard to describe.
Gender: Not sure.
What I’m looking forward to: Thanksgiving!!! I have been waiting for this for weeks. I am so thrilled that I can eat (and eat a bunch!) now, so I am taking full advantage of it :)
What I miss: Not being stressed about money and doctor's bills =/
Best moment this week: Sad as it sounds, Derek taking me out to my favorite pizza place for lunch on Friday was the highlight of my week. lol.
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