

Pregnancy Update: Week 15

(Excuse the terrible photo. I still don't know where my tripod is, so a mirror shot was the only photo I had this week)

How far along: 15 weeks

Total weight gain: 4 lbs (started around 115, currently at 119)

Sleep: I'm still having a hard time adjusting to sleeping on my side, but it's getting better.

Maternity Clothes: I've gone shopping for maternity clothes a few times, but didn't find anything that worked. I can still button 1 pair of my regular jeans, but it would be nice to be able to breathe when I sit down :)

Food cravings: Still loving grapefruit juice. I'm liking sour candy, but I usually feel sick afterwards. My other cravings are random and come & go (one night I'll feel like a burger, the next night mac & cheese)

Food aversions: I don't feel as sick when I drink water, but I still struggle with getting in more than a few cups a day. I really need to work on that! I can handle sweets a little bit more now.

Symptoms: Backaches, my hips hurt, headaches, still queasy if I don't eat every few hours, but much better than past weeks.

Movement: None yet.

Gender: Not sure.

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the painting of the nursery all finished. The walls are done, we're just waiting on the trim/baseboards to be painted white.

What I miss: Having a clean office (we moved everything from the guest room/nursery so we could paint & now the office is packed with stuff), warm weather, french fries.

Best moment this week: Getting the nursery painted :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to see the progress of your nursey! You should check out Kerry's blog (@FirstTimeFancy) - She posted a how to make your own mobile for over the crib.


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