

Baby #2 update: Week 27

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 27 weeks

Total weight gain: 15 lbs (Started around 120, currently 135)

Sleep: Still good for now (for the most part)

Maternity ClothesI'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravings: Candy, fruit, potatoes, apples & peanut butter, cereal & strawberries

Food aversions: Sweets are making me feel a bit sick, but I can eat most other things

Symptoms: The heartburn is back with a vengeance :( I've been getting tired easily, appetite isn't as big as usual, tingly feet (not swollen yet though, yay!)

MovementBaby's kicks are getting really strong. She's been quite active this week.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: We're going to Michigan on Friday to visit my brother/sis-in-law and I'm SO excited!

What I miss: Having lots of energy, sunshine

Best moment this week: Having Easter dinner with my family & watching Oliver hunt for Easter eggs was a lot of fun :)


Baby #2 update: Week 26

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 26 weeks

Total weight gain: 13.5 lbs (Started around 120, currently 133.5 -- with baby #1, I was up 19 pounds by this point, so I guess I'm eating healthier & being more active this time)

Sleep: Same as usual. I'm getting up once a night to pee and wake up several times to switch sides.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravings: Sour cream on everything, cole slaw, salad, fruit, chocolate,

Food aversions: My heartburn has almost gone away this week, so I must be eating the right things?

Symptoms: I've been feeling really good this week for the most part. I'm a little tired if I'm on my feet too long, my skin is super dry and I have a craving for any and all sweets. lol

MovementBaby's kicks are getting really strong. She's been quite active this week.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: We're going to Michigan next week to visit my brother/sis-in-law and I'm SO excited! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that our son is good on the plane. lol

What I miss: Not being hungry all the time, free time, an organized house

Best moment this week: Finding a bunch of awesome maternity clothes super cheap at a big consignment sale (I spent $26 on jeans, a dress & 7 or 8 shirts)


Baby #2 update: Week 25

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 25 weeks

Total weight gain: 13 lbs (As of 23.5 week appointment - started around 120, last weigh-in was 133)

Sleep: Still switching sides a lot, but I've been able to sleep most of the night this week.

Maternity ClothesI'm in mostly all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts.

Food cravings: French fries, Mexican food, fruit

Food aversions: Spicy stuff is giving me major heartburn, but it doesn't stop me from eating it. lol

SymptomsAcid reflux/heartburn, backaches, headaches, tired in the afternoons, out of breath easily.

Movement: Still pretty active at night, mellow during the day.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the office painted, narrowing down a name, decorating

What I miss: Not getting instant heartburn the second I take a bite of something

Best moment this week: Playing in the sunshine with my husband and son :)


Baby #2 update: Week 24

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 24 weeks

Total weight gain: 13 lbs (As of 23.5 week appointment - started around 120, last weigh-in was 133)

Sleep: I'm tossing and turning a lot at night to get comfortable, but have been able to sleep good most nights. (except last night when I was wide awake from 1:30-6am. Ugh!)

Maternity ClothesI'm in mostly all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts.

Food cravings: Salad, clementines, candy, spicy foods, anything with sour cream on it

Food aversions: It seems that most foods are giving me acid reflux/heartburn again.

Symptoms: Super dry skin, really bad backaches, acid reflux/heartburn, really thirsty.

Movement: Baby girl has been kicking up a storm this past week. She's been mellow for a while, so it feels strange to have her so active now.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: (Same as usual) Figuring out a name for this little girl and getting the office cleared out so we can start working on the nursery.

What I miss: Time to get stuff done; free time; warm weather

Best moment this week: Friday's doctor's appointment. Baby is growing well and had a strong heartbeat, things that are always nice to be reassured of :)
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