

Baby #2 update: Week 22

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 22 weeks

Total weight gain: 11 lbs (As of 21.5 weeks when our broken scale randomly worked once - started around 120, last weigh-in was 131; will get the official number at my appointment next Friday)

Sleep: It's hit or miss. A few nights I was up at 3 or 4 and couldn't fall back asleep. The other nights I got semi-decent sleep.

Maternity Clothes: Still mostly living in pjs since Oliver & I don't get out much, but I'm wearing maternity jeans & leggings when we do leave the house.

Food cravingsI still can't seem to stay away from sweets :( But I'm also craving lots of fresh veggies, so I guess it evens out. lol. Strawberries on top of yogurt, salad, baked potatoes with sour cream & chives, pringles, juice.

Food aversions: Sweets still make me feel sick (but I still eat them). Cereal & milk gives me terrible indigestion.

Symptoms: A bit tired if I do too much in a day; backaches; feet are starting to swell a bit; not as big of an appetite as before.

MovementBaby seems to be super active some days, then very still others.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Figuring out a name for this little girl and getting the office cleared out so we can start working on the nursery.

What I miss: Time to get stuff done; a non-cluttered house

Best moment this week: Making progress getting the office closet cleared out. Settling on a paint color for the nursery.

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