If you pick PinkyWinkyPoopy as your username, I think you're too young to be on the internet!
I'm assuming this is a resume, but it's in another language. I'd recommend putting a more flattering photo on there though.
I think this might be the resume girl from above? Still a terrible photo.
This lady thinks I'm her daughter and has been sending me e-mails for months.
6th grade is hard, man. (except for writing, apparently)
It's hard to read, but this person actually gave me their bank routing # and account #. But the good news is I can start looking for a puppy now!!!!!!!!!!!!
This photo attachment made my day! I still can't figure out if that's a pink shower cap, hat, wig, etc.
Someone must have gotten their tax refund. And blew $1,350+ on 2 cell phones. Mind is blown!
From what I gather, some guy listed a king size bed on a free Craigslist-type website in Ireland. Some lady called him a con man and "Muppet" was so offended that he sent the message on to the police. For what reason, I don't know, but I really hope his real name is Muppet because that is awesome!