

Mistaken Identity - Vol 6

In case you're new: I get e-mails intended for other people with my name all the time and have decided to share some. See below for the newest ones.

I was already laughing at the subject line before even opening the e-mail. 

Ah boi! I can't take this drama.

That baby has a ton of hair! Lyla is a little jealous.

 I don't even know what to say about this one. Is this a real game?! Cleaning out someone's ears for fun??

 I wonder if I got the job...

After getting this confirmation, I got it sent to me several more times along with an e-mail to rate their phone support at solving my issue. Apparently the lady that booked this hotel couldn't figure out why she wasn't getting her reservation info and called the help line. I don't think she ever got it...

 Forget photographing weddings, we need to start taking photos of music groups! $2,500 for 3 group looks & 3 solo looks?! No problem!

 I cracked up at "where she get that nose?"

Same person as above. I "aww'ed" at the photo of big brother holding baby sis, I'm not going to lie :)

It blows my mind that people don't double check where they are sending confidential documents to. I think this is the Canadian version of the W2; it has personal info & yearly wage.

The angle of this photo is weirding me out. It sorta looks like a head without a body.

 I really hope this person runs a little convenience store or something because 96 bottles of "warming jelly" is a little excessive (unless you make adult films).

 I already shared this one on my facebook, but it's worth another look! This girl signed up on a dating site with my e-mail address so I took a peek at her profile. It does not disappoint!


Lyla's birth story - July 9th, 2014

July 8th (Tuesday) I turned 38 weeks pregnant. I had my weekly checkup in the morning, heard baby's heartbeat and everything was good. I hadn't had a single sign of labor yet, so I declined the cervix check until the following week. I figured it was a waste of time. All throughout the day, I felt really sick to my stomach no matter what I ate or drank. I felt like I was back in the 1st trimester! We had family/maternity photos that evening and Derek kept saying we could cancel and do them later in the week since I was feeling so sick, but I was adamant that it had to be that evening or we wouldn't have time to do them in the next few weeks before baby came.
We were at the park from 7pm to almost 9pm doing photos. It was hot and I was a sweaty mess! lol. But it all worked out just fine. I started feeling really tired towards the end (we did a lot of walking) and was anxious to get home and sleep. As soon as we got home, I started having contractions. Not the quick, mostly-painless Braxton Hicks ones that I had been getting sporadically the past few months, but full on contractions. I had read that being dehydrated can cause premature contractions, so I was chugging water and resting in bed in hopes they would go away. I wasn't timing them at that point, but I'm guessing they were about 20 seconds long & 5 minutes apart at that point. They had eased up a bit once I got into bed and I was able to sleep that night with relatively few of them.

For a frame of reference, I had my son 2 days shy of his due date and never had a single contraction until after I checked in to the hospital (my water broke 1st). So this whole experience of having painful contractions at 38 weeks was certainly new to me and I wasn't sure what it all meant.

July 9th (Wednesday) I started having light contractions shortly after I got out of bed. I started timing them and they were still pretty short (20 seconds) and about 4 minutes apart. I was googling like crazy to find out the different stages of labor, trying to figure out if my contractions were leading to anything or not. I'd heard of girls that have contractions for days or weeks and don't progress enough to be considered "real" labor, so I was convinced that's what was going on. We had some errands to run, so we headed out that morning to get a few things done. My contractions eased up a bit while I was in the car and had spread out to 6 or 7 minutes apart. We went to Target to get a few last-minute baby things and I swear I only had 1 or 2 contractions the whole hour we were in there! I guess baby wanted me to enjoy my last shopping trip :)

We got some lunch, then dropped my son off at my mom's house. We had arranged for him to have a sleepover that night so he could get used to being away from home for when baby came. I told my mom he may be staying there for a few days, I wasn't sure yet what was going on. My contractions had picked up a little by then, but were still pretty far apart (maybe 10 or 15 minutes). Since I knew there was a chance baby was coming soon, we decided we needed to pick a middle name ASAP so we were prepared just in case. So on the drive home, we agreed on Mae. Lyla Mae. That was one of the last things we needed to do before baby could come and it felt good to finally cross it off the list.

We got home around 3pm and the contractions really started to get more intense. For the next hour, they were consistently 4 minutes apart and 40 seconds long. Derek was getting ready to work a late shift at night, meaning I would be home by myself until 2am and I started to get nervous. I called my doctor's office and explained the contractions and they told me it was time to get to the hospital. At that point, I was still in denial that anything was really happening, so I told Derek to call his work and let them know he would be a little late. I figured he could just drop me off to be monitored and I could find a ride home. lol, how naive, right?! :) Luckily, his boss told him to take the day off so he could stay with me for the monitoring. So off we went to the hospital.

On a side note, I am very much a planner. So although I didn't expect to have this baby until close to my due date, I made sure all our bags were packed, our freezer stocked, car seat installed, etc. by 37 weeks. I like to be prepared for anything and I'm so glad I thought ahead to make sure everything was done so early!

We got to the hospital around 5pm. I had pre-registered, so I just had to sign a few papers and they took me back to the triage room. They hooked me up to 2 monitors: 1 to check baby's heartbeat and 1 to measure my contractions. Of course, as soon as I got hooked up, my contractions spread way out and weren't happening as regularly as before. I was worried they were going to send me home because of it and was actually willing myself to have more to prove I wasn't lying. haha!! But even though they were spreading out, they were getting more painful and lasting longer (closer to 60 seconds at that point). The doctor on duty came in around 5:45 to check my contractions and cervix. He said I had beautiful contractions on paper (hey, I'll take what I can get! lol) and although they weren't happening super close together, he could tell they were still really strong. The cervix check showed I was 90% effaced, 2cm dilated and baby was at 0 station (meaning very low & ready to make an appearance soon - see photo below). So the contractions were obviously doing their job of moving things along.
The doctor was a little concerned by baby's reactions to my contractions though. He said they like to see that baby isn't affected by the contractions, but he noticed my baby's heart rate was decelerating on occasion after a contraction. He said he was 90% sure they were going to admit me at that point, but would be back in an hour to check again and make a decision.

Around 6:45pm, the doctor came back to check on me again. Baby's heart rate only decelerated once or twice after a contraction in that hour, but it was still something to watch. He also said I was now dilated to a 3. He did have a concerned look on his face while doing the check and asked the nurse to get the ultrasound machine. He thought he felt baby's thigh, which would be bad news since he should be feeling her head. A quick scan verified that she was in fact breech (feet first). He told us that normally they could try to flip baby into a head-down position, but since I was in active labor and baby was so low, it was very risky and he wasn't willing to do that. He said a c-section was my only option at that point and it needed to happen soon. I was in shock and wasn't sure how to process the news. I went in to the hospital thinking this was all a false alarm and they would send me home to wait it out until the contractions got worse. Needing a c-section never crossed my mind in the 9 months prior and I really didn't know much about the procedure or the recovery. I guess that made it easier not knowing in advance since I didn't have time to worry or stress about it. But not being prepared for it at all was a very weird experience.
At that point, things really started to go fast. The nurses asked me some last minute questions, the doctor explained the c-section process, I had blood drawn, the anesthesiologist came in to walk me through the spinal block procedure and I had an IV put in. Only my veins are so "special" that it took 3 different nurses (& 4 attempts) to get the IV in. (Over a week later, I still have some nasty bruises on my arm from the failed attempts). I'm still having painful contractions during this point and am doing my best to breathe through them.
They wheeled me into the Operating Room around 8pm. So just about an hour after finding out I needed a c-section, it was time to have the baby. They did the spinal block (it didn't really hurt, it was just an uncomfortable feeling when it went in) and laid me down on the table. It was really bright and cold in the room. Derek came in shortly after and sat next to my head, where he would remain during the operation. There was a sheet hung by my chest to prevent us from seeing what the doctors were doing on the other side. I wouldn't have wanted to watch anyway, I would have been scarred for life! One of the nurses volunteered to take photos with Derek's camera, so all the photos we have during/after the procedure were from her. I was so thankful for that, as Derek wouldn't have been able to get any of those shots since he had to sit next to me the whole time.

The spinal block worked immediately and I couldn't feel anything below my waist. I started shaking uncontrollably just before they started the c-section and they put a warm blanket on my chest which seemed to help a bit. The actual c-section didn't really hurt, but it was really weird feeling them cutting and tugging at my skin. It's hard to explain if you've never experienced it. Right before they pulled baby out, it started getting really uncomfortable (not sure what they were doing at that point) and I just about broke Derek's hand from squeezing it so tightly.
Lyla was officially born at 8:36pm and was handed off to the nurses to get cleaned up. She didn't cry for a long time and I started to freak out a little wondering why she hadn't made a sound. It turns out she swallowed a bunch of fluid and they had to suck all of it out to help her breathe. She finally did let out a wail and it was the sweetest little sound :) Once she was cleaned up and looked over by the nurses, she was placed on my chest. Derek & I just stared at her and her tiny little features and head full of dark hair. She was perfect and she was all ours :)
A few minutes later, I told Derek to take her off of me because I was going to throw up and didn't want to get it on her. One of the nurses gave me a barf bag, but since I was laying flat on my back & couldn't move, the bag didn't do much good. I got puke all in my hair and on the side of my face. I can laugh about it now, but it was pretty gross. The doctors were stitching me up at this point and pressing a lot on my stomach, which was really uncomfortable. A short while later, they were finished and I was wheeled to a temporary recovery room where I would spend the next 2 hours. I honestly don't remember anything about those 2 hours, but I was moved to my other recovery room around 11:30pm where I would stay until Saturday.
We were able to have visitors at 11:30pm and everyone came in to say a quick hello and meet Lyla before they had to head back home for bed. We have some dedicated family & friends, let me tell you :) The next few days are a blur in my mind. I was finally able to get out of bed Thursday evening and it felt so strange to use my legs again after having no feeling from the waist down for over 18 hours. We had many visitors those few days and everyone just fell in love with Lyla :) She slept most of the time we were there, barely making a peep. Derek slept a lot better than I did since I had to wake Lyla every few hours to eat and had to interact with all the nurses/doctors that came in at all hours of the night. Lyla nursed like a champ and didn't have any issues while we were there.
It's now been 9 days since Lyla was born and I've been feeling pretty good for the most part. My recovery with my son was a lot harder/more painful than my recovery with a c-section. I was expecting to be in extreme pain for days after getting home and that hasn't been the case at all. I've been keeping up with my pain pills which really helps, but I'm able to get around just fine and do housework/cook/play with my son/etc. The last time, I was in bed for days and was in so much pain every time I had to move. I am thankful that so far, this recovery has been pretty easy on me.
I'm sure I'm leaving out a lot of little details, but I wanted to get all this written out before I forgot the major stuff. This experience was definitely not what I was planning on at all, but I'm glad it all worked out the way it did. We have a perfectly healthy and beautiful little girl and that's all that really matters in the end :)


Baby #2 update: Week 38

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 38 weeks

Total weight gain: 27.5 lbs (Started around 120, currently 147.5)

SleepMy poor husband is woken up at least every hour by my tossing/turning and getting up to pee. It's no fun for me either, but I'm used to it by now.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravings: Water, sweets, cereal & milk, fruit, waffles

Food aversionsNone

Symptoms: Some Braxton Hicks contractions, starving all the time no matter how much I eat, really thirsty, a little swelling in my feet, a bit tired. Feeling pretty good for the most part.

Movement: Not as much as previous weeks, but I guess it's to be expected that she's pretty stuck in there.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Getting last minute things done, then relaxing until she gets here.

What I miss: Sleeping through the night, not having to pee every 10 minutes, feeling comfortable when sitting

Best moment this week: Getting our hospital bags packed and freezer stocked

Spoiler alert! Lyla was born at 38 weeks 1 day, so the photo above (taken about 24 hours before her birth) was the last weekly photo for this pregnancy. I'll be putting up her birth story and more photos soon :)


Baby #2 update: Week 37

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 37 weeks

Total weight gain: 26 lbs (Started around 120, currently 146 -- I gained 2.5 pounds this week :( I've been starving and eating almost every hour and it's usually not fruits & veggies. lol)

Sleep: I still toss & turn all night and am up every few hours to pee. But I'm pretty used to it at this point & feel fine when I'm up for the day at 6 or 7.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravingsWatersweets, cereal & milk, carbs, strawberries, ice cream, waffles

Food aversionsNone at the moment

Symptoms: Some Braxton Hicks contractions, starving all the time no matter how much I eat, really thirsty, my feet just started swelling yesterday.

Movement: She's definitely running out of room since she doesn't move around as much as she used to.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Packing our hospital bags, stocking our fridge/freezer, hopefully decorating the nursery a little more

What I miss: Sleeping through the night, not having to pee every 10 minutes, normal size feet

Best moment this week: Getting the car seat installed and hearing the baby's strong heartbeat at my appointment this morning


Baby #2 update: Week 36

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 36 weeks

Total weight gain: 23.5 lbs (Started around 120, currently 143.5 -- I had gained an extra 10 pounds by this time during my 1st pregnancy. I'm really surprised I don't weigh more given how much junk I've been eating lately!)

Sleep: I still toss & turn all night and am wide awake around 6 every morning.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravingsWatersweets, cereal & milk, carbs, fruit, ice cream

Food aversions: Spicy stuff gives me bad heartburn, but it doesn't stop me from eating it

Symptoms: Some Braxton Hicks contractions, heartburn, starving all the time no matter how much I eat, headaches.

Movement: She's been pretty mellow this past week, but definitely lets me know she's doing just fine in there by all the thumping around she does a few times a day :)

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Decorating Lyla's room, getting her car seat installed, stocking the freezer

What I miss: Free time, sleeping through the night, not feeling so uncomfortable in clothes

Best moment this week: Bringing all the baby stuff in from the garage and getting it set up in the house.


Baby #2 update: Week 35

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 35 weeks

Total weight gain: 22.5 lbs (Started around 120, currently 142.5)

Sleep: My new wake-up time seems to be 5:30. I guess it's good since it gives me time to get stuff done while the boys are sleeping. I still switch from side to side every few hours, plus have to get up a few times a night to pee.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravingsWater, sweets, carbs, fruit, chips, ice cream

Food aversions: Spicy stuff gives me bad heartburn, but it doesn't stop me from eating it

Symptoms: Some Braxton Hicks contractions, heartburn, starving all the time no matter how much I eat, headaches. I'm actually feeling really good for being only a month from my due date. I remember being really swollen & exhausted the last few months with my 1st pregnancy, but no cankles for me (yet!)

Movement: She's been pretty mellow this past week, but definitely lets me know she's doing just fine in there by all the thumping around she does a few times a day :)

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Packing our hospital bags and bringing in the swing, bouncer & all the other fun stuff we haven't seen since our son was a baby

What I miss: Free time, sleeping through the night, not feeling so uncomfortable in clothes

Best moment this week: The nursery finally got painted! Woohoo! We got the crib put together, moved the glider & changing table into the nursery and got everything organized. I also washed all Lyla's newborn clothes and am feeling so much more prepared now! All that's really left for her room is to decorate :)


Baby #2 update: Week 34

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 34 weeks

Total weight gain: 21.5 lbs (Started around 120, currently 141.5 -- I've been eating carbs like they're going out of style, which is showing on the scale)

Sleep: I switch from side to side every few hours, plus have to get up a few times a night to pee.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravingsWater, sweets, carbs

Food aversions: I'm doing ok with most foods, but cereal & milk are starting to give me indigestion again :(

Symptoms: Sore hips, some Braxton Hicks contractions, heartburn

MovementStill kicking and moving a ton.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Putting together baby girl's new crib and (hopefully) getting the nursery started finally. Surprise, surprise, the nursery still hasn't been painted! I am tired of waiting around on other people and I'm ready to knock someone's head off. Pregnancy rage is real, y'all, watch out!

What I miss: Free time, sleeping through the night, not feeling so uncomfortable in clothes

Best moment this week: Picking out a name finally!! We settled on Lyla, but still need to figure out a middle name.


Baby #2 update: Week 33

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 33 weeks

Total weight gain: 19.5 lbs (Started around 120, currently 139.5)

SleepI toss and turn most nights, plus get up at least twice to pee, so the sleep hasn't been all the great this week.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravingsWater, strawberries with yogurt & granola, salad

Food aversions: I'm doing ok with most foods, but cereal & milk are starting to give me indigestion again :(

Symptoms: Sore hips, some Braxton Hicks contractions, heartburn

Movement: Still kicking and moving a ton.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Seeing my little sister graduate high school tomorrow :) And shooting a full-day wedding on Saturday. The last wedding I took photos at was when I was 6 weeks pregnant with my son.

What I miss: Free time, sleeping through the night, not feeling so uncomfortable in clothes

Best moment this week: Scheduling my last 5 doctor's appointments before baby gets here (!!)


Baby #2 update: Week 32

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 32 weeks

Total weight gain: 19.5 lbs (Started around 120, currently 139.5)

Sleep: I wake up every few hours most nights, but I feel pretty rested in the mornings.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravingsWater, Reese's Puffs cereal, strawberries, Mexican food

Food aversions: I'm doing ok with most foods.

Symptoms: Sore hips/inner thighs (to the point where I feel like a 90 year old lady some days), some Braxton Hicks contractions, really thirsty

MovementKicking and moving a ton.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Working on the nursery, deep cleaning the house

What I miss: Free time, sleeping through the night, not feeling so uncomfortable in clothes

Best moment this week: We finally got the office (soon-to-be nursery) completely cleared out. My husband swears the room will get painted in the next week, but he's said that before & nothing happened. Fingers crossed that this finally happens so I can start decorating & organizing the room!!


Baby #2 update: Week 31

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 31 weeks

Total weight gain: 18 lbs (Started around 120, currently 138 -- I had gained an extra 9 pounds at 31 weeks the last time around!)

Sleep: I wake up every few hours most nights, but I feel pretty rested in the mornings.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravingsWater, ice cream, sweets, Reese's Puffs cereal, apples

Food aversions: I'm doing ok with most foods.

Symptoms: Sore hips, a little tired some days. These last few weeks have been really good overall, though. I have my energy back, my heartburn has stayed away and I'm feeling good for the most part.

Movement: She's been pretty mellow this week, but is usually busiest at night.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Working on the nursery, bbq season, deep cleaning the house

What I miss: Free time, sleeping through the night

Best moment this week:  Nothing in particular stands out. Just making it another week is reason to celebrate :)


Baby #2 update: Week 30

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 30 weeks

Total weight gain: 17.5 lbs (Started around 120, currently 137.5 -- I had gained an extra 9 pounds at 30 weeks the last time around!)

Sleep: I wake up every few hours most nights, but I feel pretty rested in the mornings.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravings: Sweets, waffles with yogurt & strawberries, salad, water, ice cream

Food aversions: I'm doing ok with most foods.

Symptoms: Backaches, a few charley horses, a little tired some days. This week has been really good overall, though. I have my energy back, my heartburn has stayed away and I'm feeling good for the most part.

Movement: She's been pretty mellow this week, but is usually busiest at night.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the nursery painted (I hope within the next week!), enjoying this beautiful warm weather, getting a theme/color scheme picked out for the nursery

What I miss: Free time, not craving sweets 24/7

Best moment this week: Potty training my son. We knew we didn't want 2 kids in diapers at the same time, so we took the plunge yesterday and so far, he's doing awesome! He's spent the last 2 days without a diaper during the day and hasn't had a single accident. We also haven't left the house at all, but I'm hoping it goes ok once we finally go out in public!


Baby #2 update: Week 29

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 29 weeks

Total weight gain: 17 lbs (Started around 120, currently 137 -- I'm blown away that I am 7.5 lbs less at week 29 than I was with my 1st pregnancy!)

Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good these past few days. I still wake up earlier than I'd like, but it's not too bad.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravingsVeggies & dip, sweets, juice, crackers

Food aversionsI'm doing ok with most foods.

Symptoms: Loss of energy, backaches, shortness of breath, tired

Movement: She's been pretty mellow this week, but is usually busiest at night.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Mother's Day, continuing to clear out the future nursery (ugh, it's been months now!), warm weather

What I miss: Having lots of energy, not craving sweets 24/7

Best moment this week: It's a tie between visiting family in Michigan and finding out I passed my glucose test! (I had gestational diabetes with baby #1 and was convinced I would have it again this time)


Baby #2 update: Week 27

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 27 weeks

Total weight gain: 15 lbs (Started around 120, currently 135)

Sleep: Still good for now (for the most part)

Maternity ClothesI'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravings: Candy, fruit, potatoes, apples & peanut butter, cereal & strawberries

Food aversions: Sweets are making me feel a bit sick, but I can eat most other things

Symptoms: The heartburn is back with a vengeance :( I've been getting tired easily, appetite isn't as big as usual, tingly feet (not swollen yet though, yay!)

MovementBaby's kicks are getting really strong. She's been quite active this week.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: We're going to Michigan on Friday to visit my brother/sis-in-law and I'm SO excited!

What I miss: Having lots of energy, sunshine

Best moment this week: Having Easter dinner with my family & watching Oliver hunt for Easter eggs was a lot of fun :)


Baby #2 update: Week 26

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 26 weeks

Total weight gain: 13.5 lbs (Started around 120, currently 133.5 -- with baby #1, I was up 19 pounds by this point, so I guess I'm eating healthier & being more active this time)

Sleep: Same as usual. I'm getting up once a night to pee and wake up several times to switch sides.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts, with a few maternity ones thrown in.

Food cravings: Sour cream on everything, cole slaw, salad, fruit, chocolate,

Food aversions: My heartburn has almost gone away this week, so I must be eating the right things?

Symptoms: I've been feeling really good this week for the most part. I'm a little tired if I'm on my feet too long, my skin is super dry and I have a craving for any and all sweets. lol

MovementBaby's kicks are getting really strong. She's been quite active this week.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: We're going to Michigan next week to visit my brother/sis-in-law and I'm SO excited! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that our son is good on the plane. lol

What I miss: Not being hungry all the time, free time, an organized house

Best moment this week: Finding a bunch of awesome maternity clothes super cheap at a big consignment sale (I spent $26 on jeans, a dress & 7 or 8 shirts)


Baby #2 update: Week 25

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 25 weeks

Total weight gain: 13 lbs (As of 23.5 week appointment - started around 120, last weigh-in was 133)

Sleep: Still switching sides a lot, but I've been able to sleep most of the night this week.

Maternity ClothesI'm in mostly all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts.

Food cravings: French fries, Mexican food, fruit

Food aversions: Spicy stuff is giving me major heartburn, but it doesn't stop me from eating it. lol

SymptomsAcid reflux/heartburn, backaches, headaches, tired in the afternoons, out of breath easily.

Movement: Still pretty active at night, mellow during the day.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the office painted, narrowing down a name, decorating

What I miss: Not getting instant heartburn the second I take a bite of something

Best moment this week: Playing in the sunshine with my husband and son :)


Baby #2 update: Week 24

(Anything that is bold below is an answer from the 1st time around that also applies to this pregnancy)

How far along: 24 weeks

Total weight gain: 13 lbs (As of 23.5 week appointment - started around 120, last weigh-in was 133)

Sleep: I'm tossing and turning a lot at night to get comfortable, but have been able to sleep good most nights. (except last night when I was wide awake from 1:30-6am. Ugh!)

Maternity ClothesI'm in mostly all maternity bottoms at this point, but am still wearing my regular shirts.

Food cravings: Salad, clementines, candy, spicy foods, anything with sour cream on it

Food aversions: It seems that most foods are giving me acid reflux/heartburn again.

Symptoms: Super dry skin, really bad backaches, acid reflux/heartburn, really thirsty.

Movement: Baby girl has been kicking up a storm this past week. She's been mellow for a while, so it feels strange to have her so active now.

Gender: GIRL!!

What I’m looking forward to: (Same as usual) Figuring out a name for this little girl and getting the office cleared out so we can start working on the nursery.

What I miss: Time to get stuff done; free time; warm weather

Best moment this week: Friday's doctor's appointment. Baby is growing well and had a strong heartbeat, things that are always nice to be reassured of :)


Mistaken Identity - Vol 5

In case you're new: I get e-mails intended for other people with my name all the time and have decided to share some. See below for the newest ones.

If you pick PinkyWinkyPoopy as your username, I think you're too young to be on the internet!

I'm assuming this is a resume, but it's in another language. I'd recommend putting a more flattering photo on there though.

I think this might be the resume girl from above? Still a terrible photo.

This lady thinks I'm her daughter and has been sending me e-mails for months.

6th grade is hard, man. (except for writing, apparently)

It's hard to read, but this person actually gave me their bank routing # and account #. But the good news is I can start looking for a puppy now!!!!!!!!!!!!

This photo attachment made my day! I still can't figure out if that's a pink shower cap, hat, wig, etc.

Someone must have gotten their tax refund. And blew $1,350+ on 2 cell phones. Mind is blown!

From what I gather, some guy listed a king size bed on a free Craigslist-type website in Ireland. Some lady called him a con man and "Muppet" was so offended that he sent the message on to the police. For what reason, I don't know, but I really hope his real name is Muppet because that is awesome!
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