Clearing the clutter was the one I was most excited to dive into, but I just haven't had any time. We've been really busy with photo shoots, which means I spent most of my free time in September with my BFF Photoshop. Being a perfectionist means our clients get beautiful looking photos, but it also means I spend way too much time editing to make each photo amazing.
So onto October. I thought it would be better to break my goals into more specific tasks instead of all-encompassing objectives.
Project Refresh: Month 2
- Find the perfect gift for my sister's 18th birthday
- Book and shoot 2 senior sessions
- Lose 3 pounds (I hate random numbers like that, but I don't think anything above 3 is realistic. lol) by eating less carbs/more veggies & working out 3 times a week
- Get the guest bed cleared off by selling or donating everything on it (I cleared out our office closet and stuck all the random stuff on the bed to deal with later. It's been there over a month now)
- Pick out a cute Halloween costume for Oliver (bonus points if Derek & I dress up this year too!)
- Go through my bedroom closet & dresser to organize and purge clothes I don't wear or like
- Take Oliver to get his first haircut (I know, I love the curls too! But I think it's time to lighten the load on his head. haha)
I like that these goals are simplified and measurable, instead of a vague 'organize the house' which could take a year to complete and is never really done. So better luck for month 2, eh? :)
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