

Post-baby body update

I've been putting this post off for months, but it's time to get motivated and get to work! I'm just about back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, which doesn't mean all that much since things have kinda shifted around. lol. Gaining 35+ pounds and having a baby messes with your body; who knew?! ;)

This is me, May 2011, a few months before getting pregnant.

Weight - 113
Chest - 34"
Waist - 25.5"
Hips - 35.5"

This is me now, January 2013, 8 months after having a baby.


Weight - 115
Chest - 35.5"
Waist - 27.5"
Hips - 35.5"

I don't look all that much different, but I'm still holding onto extra junk in the middle that is driving me crazy and causing a not-so-awesome muffin top. So my main focus is going to be working on my mid-section in hopes I don't have to buy all new loose-fitting shirts :)

I really don't have a plan of attack this time around. I KNOW what I need to do, it's just hard to get the energy and motivation to do it. Working full-time and being a mom to a very energetic little boy is exhausting. The last thing I want to do when I put Oliver down to bed is work out, but I know it has to be done. I also need to tweak my diet to include a lot more fruits/veggies and a lot less carbs/sugar, but just the thought of all that menu planning/grocery shopping/cooking makes me tired.

Exercising outside is pretty much out of the question since I hate the cold/wet weather and I will just find excuses to not do it. I'm thinking it's time to dust off the old xBox Kinect and at least get moving a little more each day. Once I get a routine going and start eating healthier, I'll check in again in a month or so and see if there's been any progress. Or to fess up if I quit after 2 days and went back to eating donuts. lol.

So there you have it. Embarrassing bikini photos AND a vow to put down the chocolate & get my body moving. How much worse can this day get?! :)

Wish me luck! 

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