How far along: 39 weeks
Total weight gain: 32.5 lbs (started around 115, currently at 147.5)
Sleep: Getting worse as we get towards the end, but that's to be expected. I'm still switching sides constantly and getting up a few times a night, but I better get used to this lack-of-sleep thing, eh? :)
Maternity Clothes: I pretty much live in my maternity jeans for work, maternity yoga pants for running errands and big pj pants for lounging at home. I have a few maternity shirts, but mostly wear my old shirts as they are very stretchy :)
Food cravings: Juice! I miss it so much, but it makes my glucose levels too high, so it's off limits.
Food aversions: None
Symptoms: Same as usual. Swelling, backaches, sore feet, heartburn/acid reflux, exhausted, etc.
Movement: Oliver has been moving like crazy this week. Maybe he's getting pumped up for his big exit? lol
Gender: A BOY!!! :)
What I’m looking forward to: Reaching out due date and waiting for the little man's arrival.
What I miss: Eating sweets, not having to pee every 10 minutes, normal size feet (same as last week)
Best moment this week: Nothing in particular stands out.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
3 days ago
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