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How far along: 33 weeks
Total weight gain: 27.5 lbs (started around 115, currently at 142.5)
Sleep: I toss and turn most nights, plus get up at least twice to pee, plus have been awakened by charlie horses 3 times this week. So no, the sleep hasn't been all the great this week. lol
Maternity Clothes: I pretty much live in my maternity jeans for work, maternity yoga pants for running errands and big pj pants for lounging at home. I have a few maternity shirts, but mostly wear my old shirts as they are very stretchy :)
Food cravings: Water, cereal & milk, sweets every once in a while
Food aversions: I broke down & ate a little piece of brownie the other day, since I've been staying away from sweets altogether. I had a terrible stomach ache the rest of the day :( I'm not sure if I just felt really guilty or what, but it was no fun.
Symptoms: Still some leg/ankle swelling, tired feet, headaches, backaches, leg cramps, tired in the afternoon.
Movement: Still kicking and moving a ton.
Gender: A BOY!!! :)
What I’m looking forward to: Our baby shower #1 (with family) on Sunday!
What I miss: Not having to monitor my blood sugar levels. It's a pain to poke myself 4 times a day and records the results, but so far my levels have been good, so I guess it's for the best.
Best moment this week: Getting a haircut, finally! lol. I haven't gotten one since before I got pregnant and my hair was just out of control. I feel much better now :)
How far along: 32 weeks
Total weight gain: 26 lbs (started around 115, currently at 141) - I lost a pound this week, probably due to my new gestational diabetes diet. It's a bummer that I can't eat any sweets or too many carbs, but it's for the best.
Sleep: I'm getting up at least once a night to pee now, which makes it hard to get quality sleep for longer than a few hours at a time.
Maternity Clothes: I pretty much live in my maternity jeans for work, maternity yoga pants for running errands and big pj pants for lounging at home. I have a few maternity shirts, but mostly wear my old shirts as they are very stretchy :)
Food cravings: Water, fruit, veggies
Food aversions: I have to really limit my carbs/fruit/sweets intake, so I'm living on a lot of protein and veggies right now.
Symptoms: Still some leg/ankle swelling, tired feet, headaches, backaches.
Movement: Still kicking and moving a ton.
Gender: A BOY!!! :)
What I’m looking forward to: Getting used to this new diet (I have gestational diabetes) and getting the house ready for our baby shower. There is so much to do in the next few weeks!
What I miss: Sweets :(
Best moment this week: We had our 1st childbirth class at the local hospital on Tuesday. It was really informative and we met some great people, but it's a little overwhelming knowing that Oliver will be here so soon!
How far along: 31 weeks
Total weight gain: 27 lbs (started around 115, currently at 142)
Sleep: It's ok, but I'm still finding it hard to get comfortable at night.
Maternity Clothes: I pretty much live in my maternity jeans for work, maternity yoga pants for running errands and big pj pants for lounging at home. I have a few maternity shirts, but mostly wear my old shirts as they are very stretchy :)
Food cravings: Water, juice, liquids of any kind
Food aversions: Spicy stuff gives me major heartburn right now.
Symptoms: Major swollen ankles/legs (yuck!), hungry all the time, tired feet, headaches.
Movement: Still moving like crazy. I think the Braxton Hicks contractions have started this week as they seem to feel different than just getting kicked by a baby. But I really don't know.
Gender: A BOY!!! :)
What I’m looking forward to: Our ultrasound on Thursday! So excited to see how much Oliver has grown in the last 3 months and hoping that everything looks good :)
What I miss: Having energy to walk around a store without getting exhausted.
Best moment this week: Buying an insanely comfortable rocking chair for the nursery. It cost a lot more than I wanted to pay for a chair, but I will spend many hours rocking in it, so it's well worth it :)
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