Last May, I posted a '30 before 30' list - a list of 30 goals I wanted to accomplish before my 30th birthday (December 2012). I went back and re-read my goals and they were all pretty unlikely to happen before the end of this year. lol. So I'm paring down to 10 realistic goals/resolutions that I hope to really make happen before December 20th, 2012.
1. Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
2. Save enough money (at least $1,500) to extend my maternity leave 4 weeks. (I'll have 2 weeks of paid vacation and hopefully 2 weeks of paid sick time, but that's it. The longer I can stay home, the better!)
3. Photograph 2 weddings.
4. Make one new lifelong friend.
5. Take our dog Maggie for more walks; at least 3 a week. I'm a bad dog mom, I know :(
6. Plan one last weekend trip for my husband & I before the baby comes. Somewhere cheap (but fun) and within driving distance is the goal.
7. Trade in our queen for a king size bed.
8. Continue with my 365 project, taking a photo every single day until the end of the year.
9. Take an overnight trip out of town with our baby boy later this year.
10. Sell my current car and get a 4-door without spending much money.
We'll see where this year takes us and how close I'll get to reaching these goals :)